Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Chimera Hunters

1. What is Chimera Hunters?
Chimera Hunters is a unique cryptocurrency game that combines elements of DeFi, NFTs, and strategic gameplay. Players participate in competitive cycles, choosing teams and capturing rewards using the CHIM token.

2. How do I participate in Chimera Hunters?
To participate, choose a team (White or Black Chimera), and send an email with your wallet number indicating your team choice. Deposit CHIM into the corresponding liquidity pool to join the game.

3. What are the key elements of the game?
The game revolves around liquidity pools, team choice, competition cycles, rewards, and community governance. Players capture CHIM in liquidity pools and compete to win tokens from the opposing team.

4. How is the winning team determined?
The winning team is the one whose associated liquidity pool has less CHIM "in the wild" at the end of the 21-day cycle. This indicates that they have captured more CHIM.

5. What rewards do winners receive?
Winners receive half of the tokens from the losing team’s cryptocurrency, distributed proportionally to the amount of CHIM they hold.

6. How often do game cycles occur?
Cycles begin on the 8th of each month and last for 21 days.

7. How are new cryptocurrencies selected for the game?
After each cycle, CHIM holders can propose and vote on the new cryptocurrency to compete against the previous cycle's winning team.

8. What is the role of community governance in Chimera Hunters?
The community actively participates in selecting cryptocurrencies for upcoming cycles and has a say in key decisions, promoting a democratic and inclusive environment.

9. What is the total supply of CHIM tokens?
There are 21 million CHIM tokens, each indivisible and backed by 1 USDB.

10. How are CHIM tokens distributed?
95% are reserved for liquidity pools, 1% for developers, and 4% for strategic reserve, including exchange listings and marketing.

11. Can I join a team at any time during a cycle?
Yes, players can join a team at any point before the cycle closes.

12. How can I propose a new cryptocurrency for the next cycle?
In the first 5 days after a cycle ends, CHIM holders can suggest cryptocurrencies for the next cycle. Voting takes place on the platform.